Saturday, December 11, 2010

I Love my FIREMAN!!!

Yeah...that's right...Micah is gonna be a Firefighter!!!!


I am SO proud of my hubby! This process has been going on since September, when he was laid off (a true blessing in disguise). One step after another, he has jumped through the hoops, since Plano prides themselves on being the "Best of the Best", and he has finally completed everything! And he DID IT...he passed!

Now, we wait for his official offer of employment so he can start working/fire adcademy!

Micah is going to be the BEST firefighter! He has been so dedicated to getting in shape for this job and he continues to work hard. He has always wanted a job where he would help people everyday and this job fits him perfectly!

We are truly blessed!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We are still waiting to hear back from the Plano Fire Department....

Micah passed the physical test and is in the running with about 12 other guys for 4 available positions.

They said to just "hang tight" and they will contact us if they want to interview Micah. I feel like we can't make any big plans till we find out...I'm so impatient :-)

Just tell us already!!! Mason wants his Daddy to be a fireman!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Pretty Family

Our family had a little photo shoot after church. Here are a few of my favorites :-)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Great Quote

Heard this quote and had to share. It's in reference to the problems in our economy.

"It's a story about us, people, being persuaded to spend money we don't have on things we don't need to create impressions that won't last on people we don't care about."

One thing I have learned with age and maturity is the truth of this quote! It is so liberating to feel educated and wise enough to no longer feel the stress of having to "keep up with the Joneses". While there is still the yearning to progress and move forward, the motivation is no longer to please those around me, but rather to 1) put my Heavenly Father first and 2) make sure my husband and son are happy and loved! It's amazing how priorities shift when you become a parent.

I feel so blessed and so grateful! I love this beautiful time of year! The weather is gorgeous (80 degrees here today) and the leaves are turning and it is the season of sharing our gratitude!

I teach the 5-6 year olds in Primary and when I asked them what they were grateful for, first, they said Pumpkin pie (of course) :-) and then they said "Family!" How sweet these young children are! I just love teaching little ones!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 1, 2010


We went to Trunk or Treat again this year! Mason and Micah were matching ninjas. SO cute. As you can see above, this lil' Cinderella thought so too. Mason is such a flirt.
They were so funny! Micah was such a good sport :-)
Such a beautiful little man!
My two ninjas and Mimi dressed as Rex Kwon Do!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life is better than Good, It's GREAT!

We took another wonderful trip to Santa Barbara last week. It was so great to spend time with family and to meet our new nephew Bentley. Mason had a blast with his cousins. It was so fun to watch them play!

I tried to get a picture of all the cousins didn't work so well. And Esther was sleeping, oh well. I gave it a shot!Mason was in HEAVEN playing outside in Grandmas garden! He made such a mess and threw dirt everywhere! It was so cute. Here is just one of the hilarious shots I got of him with his cowboy boots and dirty mustache.

We also got front row/pit tickets to see Jack Johnson at the Santa Barbara bowl while we were in town (thanks Adam & Rox)! It was SO awesome! Jack is from SB and it was his last night on this tour, so he crowd surfed!!! Which he has NEVER done in the 10 years he has been performing! It was awesome. I will post those pics next time. We love us some Jack!
Yesterday was my 27th birthday! I had such a great day. The wise husband got me a day at the spa and I had a few hours of pure bliss. Oh, how I love massages! Then, we had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (my fav) and best of all, I just got to spend a relaxing day with my boys! I feel so blessed everyday!

Life is good! And it keeps getting better!

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Fireman

My husband is SO SMART! One of the many reasons I love him. Intelligence is sexy.

Micah happens to be a very smart guy and is a great test taker. He proved his skills this week when he took the Firefighter entrance exam for the Plano Fire Department. There were over 400 people applying for 4 openings! The top 15 test scores would qualify to move on in the application process.

Micah was ranked 8th!!! So, he will be moving on! We are SO SO SO excited! Now, we just have to fill out a ton of paper work and his physical exam will be in a month. He has been working out intensely the past few months and will do amazing at the physical test!

This is Micah's dream job and I can't wait for him to be hired! I am so proud of him and know he will make an amazing firefighter.

If he is ever in the calendar I will post the pics :-)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Texas State Fair

Since I have been away from Texas the past 7 years, I have missed out on many of the wonderful perks of living in this great state! Such as, The TEXAS STATE FAIR!!! I almost forgot how fun it is!
Mason did great! He enjoyed all the animals, food and people watching! (his favorite past time)
Fried food is apparently the staple of all State Fairs. My favorite was the Fried PB&J. WOW. It was good. But I could only eat part of it because it was a little too "unhealthy" for my tummy to handle.
Family Portrait!
Ahh...Texas. I sure have missed you. It's great to be back! Thanks for a wonderful State Fair!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jodi Picoult


Ever read any of Jodi Picoult's books? They are so addicting! She has a whole team of researchers who help her add factual info to her story line.

So, not only do you get to read a really interesting story that keeps you guessing till the end, but you feel like you learned more about the topic at hand. She always picks controversial topics for her books, which makes them all the more interesting.

If you're looking for a new author to get into, since the Twilight saga has ended :-), I recommend any of her books.

I love reading!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rainy Day

Mason loves the rain. So do I. We spent some good time out in the warm rain today. Mason enjoyed running around topless with his spatula. It was too cute!

Most days are spent in the pool, but not today. As seen below, he enjoys his baby pool and the hose. He is hours of entertainment! My life was so boring before Mason :-)
I love warm weather & rain.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Pregnant Yoga.jpg

Seriously, this is genius. Why didn't I think of this??? Combining yoga and prego people...two things I just love!

Oh well, I'm just glad things like this exist!

SO rad. It ALMOST makes me want to be pregnant again. i just love those big round bellies.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Beach Bums

I was able to have some fun with my new camera at the beach. Got a few decent pics. One of my favorite parts of visiting Santa Barbara is beach time! I LOVE the ocean! I wish it was a little warmer, but I'll take what I can get.
Mason was obsessed with the birds! There were a ton of birds on the beach and he was pointing and chasing and wanted to take them home with him!
Look at that cute lil' baby belly!
He is so adorable, my heart just feels like it's going to explode when I look at him.
We had some fun at Santa Monica pier after the temple. It was a great day!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Families Are Forever

August 6, 2010 My beautiful family was sealed in the Los Angeles Temple. It was a gorgeous day and an emotionally moving ceremony. I'm so grateful that families can be together forever. There is nothing more important in my life than family.
As you can see, I am a lucky lady to have such handsome men in my life! Mason and Micah wore matching black and white outfits, their sneakers were their favorite part! Mason is Micah's Mini it was just adorable.

This day was so special and I'm so glad both our families were together to celebrate!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ahhh...Santa Barbara

By about this time tomorrow, we will be in sunny Santa Barbara. We are SO excited!!! It will be 108 today here in Texas, as it has been the last few weeks...agghhh. The forcast for SB is in the high 60's-70's. What a refreshing break! We are looking forward to spending time with family (that we have missed dearly!!!), spending time at the beach, eating In-n'-Out and of course GETTING SEALED!

This is a trip we will never forget :-)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dear Moo,

Dear Mason,
I can't believe you are a year old!!! This year has flown by and has been filled with so much wonderful excitement...all because of you! You are now technically a toddler, even though you have been walking since 7 1/2 months. Your amazing personality is developing more and more each day. I love being your Mommy and getting to learn from YOU day in and day out! I wish we were all like children, instead of rushing kids into adulthood.
You are a big guy. And you are VERY advanced. Crawling at 6 months, walking a month and a half later, 3 words by 10 months, already understanding object permanence and on and on. You continue to make your Daddy and I so proud. We have high hopes for you. As you can see in the picture above, we expect Texas football will play a roll in your athletic future. On your first birthday, you had 8 teeth, were 23 pounds and 29 inches tall. We KNOW you will do great things in all aspects of your life!
You are a boy, through and through. You LOVE to play outside, if I let you, you would live in the backyard! You eat rocks. Chase dogs. Swim in the pool. Dig in the dirt. And your fair skin turns red within 10 minutes of too much sunshine. You are a bully with other kids, but not in a cruel way, rather a physically dominating way (it's pretty funny to watch you handle kids older than you). You love to show affection...with your gorilla grip. You LOVE to eat. He gets "drunk" off the booby milk (it's so adorable). Anything we eat, you eat. You have used "Momma" and "Food" interchangeably.
You are assertive. You love to cuddle. You always want to be up high. You love to read. You love textures. You pat me on the back when I pick you up (melts me, every time!). You are curious and love to solve problems. You LOVE chewing on toothbrushes, you're the Toothbrush Bandit! You make everyone smile with your infectious giggle. You are told constantly told by strangers, how beautiful you are. You love wheels and are always trying to take things apart. You have a nonstop motor and an excellent bubble. Your bare booty is too cute for words.You grunt like a caveman. You do the touchdown dance and bob your head to music. You are a YouTube sensation. You have shown Daddy and I what patience and unconditional love really means.
Thank you for being a wonderful lil' man! We love you bigger than the world!
Mommy (the boob lady)

Monday, July 26, 2010


I have decided that photography is the hobby of choice this year. I have been in bidding wars all week over different cameras, and I think the Nikon D3000 is the winner. I'm so excited to start taking pics and seeing if I have what it takes to get some good photos.

Once the camera arrives, I will be sure to post pics! I have always loved photography. Some of my favorite photographers are these :

Michael and Anna Costa
They are AMAZING!!! And Micah is friends with them. Their talent just blows me away.

My second favorite is Rayel Photography in Plano.
I am so photo envious.

Pictures are so fun! And there are so many beautiful things and people in my life that I hope to photograph soon!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Such a Wonderful Year....

A year ago this evening, my family and I were walk/hiking the Provo Canyon Trail when my water broke! It was such an exciting moment! My parents were ahead of Micah and I when it happened. I remember yelling to my Mom, "Either I just peed my pants, or my water broke!" We were all so excited and began calling and texting everyone. Mason's arrival was a week and a day "overdue" and everyone was antsy to meet this lil' guy. Especially since my Mom since she would be leaving town two days later.
After 26 hours of labor and an unexpected birthing experience, my wonderful Mason was born! It was the BEST day! I'm so grateful for his sweet spirit and the joy he has brought to my life. I can't believe it has been a year! It feels like I have known his forever and I don't remember life without him.
Happy (early) Birthday Mason!!! You are the best lil' boy in the whole wide world!!!
Party pics to come...

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Natural Child

My new favorite parenting book is The Natural Child: Parenting from the Heart. I got this book on CD because I am able to get so much done AND listen to a book at the same time, it's fantastic. Anyways, this book is amazing. I am making copies of it for all my preggo friends. It talks about parenting in a way that truly resonates with my motherly instincts.
I am a self proclaimed "hippie" in the sense of being into organic, natural and non-mainstream ideas (not in the dope smoking way). This book is most certainly fitting into my hippie ways, which I love. What I don't love, is that many people immediately disregard it because its ideas are not preached by doctors.
This book took about 3 hours to listen to. It's well worth your time, just put it on in the background and see what ya think. Any Mommies who want a copy, please just let me know and I will buy you one or send you a copy. I honestly believe that the way we raise our child will change the world. I think it is so important for Moms out there to stay educated and continually learn. Some ideas you may not agree with, but there is something in this book for every parent. If you have any great books, PLEASE share! I am a sponge when it comes to new ideas and interesting books!
I love being a Mommy.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Home Sweet Home

House hunting is one of Micah and I's favorite activities. We love driving neighborhoods and finding homes and talking about what we would do to fix up the home or how we would change it.

We have fallen in love with the homes in Parker, TX. There are a few neighborhoods that are basically ranchettes. Each home sits on a minimum of two acres. We both agree that we want land so that our family has plenty of room to run around and play. And I want chickens and a cow and a greenhouse. Micah wants a softball field, an alligator and a running track.

Well, we found the home where we could make all those things possible, minus the gator :-) We walked through this home last weekend and fell in love. More with the property than the home. The house needs a lot of TLC before it would be "Kelly Ready". But this home has so much potential. We are so excited about the possibility of getting this house and making it our own. It's a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 car garage that sits on 2 big, beautiful flat acres. It's the perfect size for what we want.

So exciting!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Are YOU a Warrior??

I am SO happy that the warrior dash is coming back to Texas this year!!! We just barely missed the race they had in Dallas. In Novemeber it will be down in Austin, so it gives us an excuse to make another trip down to our favorite city!

If you have not heard of the Warrior Dash, check out their site . It is too funny! I love a good race and this just looks like a good time.

Now all I need to do is figure out what our costumes will be...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

El Templo

August 6th can't get here soon enough!!! I am so excited to be sealed to my beautiful boys in the LA temple! We have grown so much over this last year and are so ecstatic to take this next step. Our little family is what truly brings us happiness each and everyday!
Micah is my best friend and Mason is beyond amazing! I can't imagine spending eternity without them. My heart feels like it could burst with love and happiness when I think about them and how wonderful this day will be for us.

Both our families and closest friends will all be out in California with us and we are pee-our-pants excited! I'm so grateful that families can be together forever!!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Anyone else tried to do the full 90 days??? I needed a workout I could do while Mason naps and this works well, but I'm usually so sore, I am skipping, on average, 2 workouts a week.

I lost all my baby weight, but I lost my muscle tone that I had before. I'm still trying to get my abs back and I think this will do the trick...but MAN is it tough!

I enjoy a workout challenge, so this is fun. 3 weeks down. I can do this! My only hesitation is the girls in the workout videos...none of them have figures that I necessarily would want. They are a little TOO ripped for my liking.

Oh well. At this point, I just need to get working out...and stop blogging :-) Can you hear the procrastination...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dream Job

If you could have any job and get paid a generous income...what would you want to be? What job would you look forward to everyday? Something you actually wanted to wake up for?

I feel so blessed, because I have my dream job. I'm a stay-at-home Mom! With mothers day coming up this weekend, I have thought about how grateful I am to be a mom. I wake up to the most beautiful boys everyday. Each day I am more and more thankful for his sweet spirit in my life. Micah and I are so lucky to have such a wonderful little guy. As he is growing and developing his personality more, it makes my job even more enjoyable (and a little more physically draining as he is extremely mobile and busy).

I love being a Mommy. I am so blessed. I'm grateful I had an amazing mother as an example and that she valued education. Because of her example, I have done my best to educate myself and I feel like I am a much better mom because of it.

Being a mother put my life into perspective and has truly helped me to grow more than I ever imagined. The spoils of this life and the insignificant things I use to worry about are a thing of the past. All I need is family. I am so grateful for such a wonderful family, both the Downes side and the Shipley side.

Moms Rock! I'm so blessed to have my dream job and to know that my job is truly important. The work I do everyday is measured in smiles, hugs, giggles and snuggles...paychecks seem utterly worthless in comparison to those wonderful little gifts! Tell a Mom you love her today, or let her know she is making a positive difference in our future!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Now that I am a stay-at-home Mom, I feel like I finally have time to pick up some hobbies. I have used the last 8 months to enjoy reading for pleasure again, but now I'm ready for a new hobby. Here are the few I can't decide between

1. Organic Gardening- I have already started on this with my organic Topsy Turvy strawberry planter! But it takes 10 weeks till my first harvest...and I am impatient. But, so far so good. I just water it daily. I can't wait to get a few strawberries. I always try to go organic when buying strawberries. They are, unfortunately, one of the most pesticide ridden fruits you can buy from the grocery store. Yuck!

2. Cake Decorating- Some day, I would love to open up KellyBellyBakery! So, I thought maybe I should start branching out at trying some cake decorating. I am just starting the research on this, but I am excited to get started. I might take a class, but I think I would rather just read a book and jump right in!
3. Photography- Another hobby I have always been interested in. I am saving for a nice camera, so this one is on hold for awhile. I love photography and know nothing about it. I will be amongst many amateur photogs, I am sure.
Yippee for trying new things! While these new hobbies are great, my first priority is with my family. Raising my little Masey Moo and keeping Micah happy are by far the best jobs right now. I am so blessed!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Motherhood- I could start a whole seperate Blog on this subject

When I found out I was pregnant, I started on a journey of maturing and learning. I researched EVERYTHING about pregnancy, labor, and babies. I learned so much. Many things that surprised me, many things that upset me, and many things I felt motivated to share with any preggo in sight! Mason is now 8 months old, and is the most wonderful baby ever! So, I wanted to share my humble opinion on what helped to make my baby so great. Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert, but I feel like he turned out pretty fantastic and these things definitely helped:

1. HOLD YOUR BABY!!!!!!!!!!!! All day, everyday, for the first 6-9 months of life. Yeah, I know this sounds crazy and impossible, but it's not (however, I'm not sure how this would apply with multiples and or siblings close in age). Invest in a nice sling or baby Bjorn. Your baby is now your new appendage, so get use to it. Read The Vital Touch and/or The Continuum Concept these are my all time favorite baby books and they explain why holding your baby is so crucial. Basically, all babies are born premature because of our bipedal development, women don't have the bone structure to carry a baby in the womb more than 9-10 months. So, when baby comes out, it should be carried for the first 6-9 months to finish developing. People will tell you, "Aren't you worried you will spoil your baby?" NONSENSE! It's impossible to spoil a baby with unconditional love! And a baby has so many needs the first year of life, it's impossible to spoil them, period! Micah and I did this. It's not the easiest, but it sure felt right. After the first week, I was use to doing everything with Mason in tow. And sure enough, when he was 6 months and 1 day old, he started to crawl. He was done with his "in arms" phase.

2. BREASTFEED! Within the first hour of birth, baby needs to start breastfeeding. This hour is crucial for bonding between Mommy and baby. You will NEVER get this hour back. You can always wash, weigh and do all that other nonsense latter, but this first hour of life is for Mommy and baby to just be together and to start nursing! Baby just had to go through labor too, don't ya think he might be hungry?? Breastfeeding is the most natural thing and the best nutrition for baby. It's not easy! Please, find a book and read about it. The first few days are ROUGH. Sore, cracked, bleeding nipples, frustration with getting a good latch, being tired...oh so magical. But oh so worth it! (hint: for cracked, bleeding nipples- express some of your breast milk and rub it around the areola at every feeding. Fixed mine in a day! Aren't our bodies SO amazing!)
Babies don't make their own antibodies (the things that fight off cuties-our immune system) for the first 6 months of life! So, breastfeed for at least this long, otherwise baby is rather defenseless against illness. Breastfeeding provides baby with mom's antibodies through the booby milk, NO formula on the market has that! And if none of this resonates with you, just know that for every ounce of milk you produce, you burn 20 calories. So roughly 500 per day! It's like having a treadmill strapped to you! Easiest way to lose that baby weight :-)

3. CO-SLEEP/FAMILY BED- Do you like sleeping alone? I know I sure don't, so why would your brand new baby want to sleep anywhere other than right next to his mommy and daddy? I know, I know, "What if I roll over my kid and crush him!". Are you on drugs, drunk or taking sleeping meds? Then don't worry! You won't crush your baby! There have been no smothering cases that involved a completely sober person! Sleeping in the family bed is also a selfish thing for me, because I don't have to get up to feed at night, Mason stirs, I slide him to the boob, he eats and we fall back asleep, it's a beautiful thing! And nothing beats waking up to that adorable mug! I suggest everyone try it for at least a week, it's just another thing you have to get use to, but once you do, it's hard to imagine it any other way! The one caveat to this is if after a week or two, if nobody is getting good sleep and everyone is completely exhausted, then the family bed might not be for you and your family. BUT don't knock it till you try it!
4. KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AT THE HOSPITAL! I assume most Mommy's-to-be will be giving birth at the hospital. Not my personal preference, but to each her own. There are things that will happen at the hospital you MUST be aware of! Hospitals are a business too, so don't ever assume you and your child are completely safe. There are lots of good people in the medical field, but there are always bad ones that spoil the whole bunch. More than anything, hospitals are worried about lawsuits! Trust me, I worked in a hospital for 4 1/2 years, it's a business just like anything else!
First, like I mentioned before, the first hour of life is crucial, so let ALL your nurses and doc's know, you want that first hour alone with your kid. They can come back after an hour to do all they need to. If you end up with a c-section (I'm so sorry! It's the worst! Avoid it at all cost. Mine was horrible) it takes about 30-45 minutes just to stitch you up, so you must hurry back to your baby afterwards. Mason and I spent those last 15 minutes of his first hour of life cuddling and he began nursing. While I was being stitched, Micah was amazing and made sure Mason was being cuddled and held and that hospital staff did not do any unnecessary things to him.
HEP B VACCINE- standard for all newborns. Absolutely unnecessary!!! Heb B is contracted through sex and IV drug use...know any babies with these problems???? Heck NO! They give it to babies because they want to eradicate the virus and it's easier to vaccinate a baby who cannot refuse the vaccine than to get adults to come in and get vaccinated! Sorry, but don't you dare do that to my kid! Most kids will need this vaccine eventually for school, but you can wait till he is older, like 5-6 yrs, when he has a much stronger immune system! PLEASE, find a book about vaccines and learn about this subject. I read a couple books on the subject to get a well rounded perspective. It is controversial and really bugs me!
ANTIBIOTICS IN THEIR EYES- Do you have an STD? Then yes, let them put this in your kids eyes. If not, or if you had a c-section, tell them NO THANKS! it's unnecessary! Just another hospital protocol that doesn't apply to most babies.
INDUCTIONS- Babies are born when they are done cookin'! Don't get all controlling and pull that baby out before it's ready! "Due dates" should really be called "Guess Dates", because it is just a guess, and a poor one at that, since it is wrong 95% of the time!!! Most first time moms have their baby a week after their due date. So, if baby doesn't show up "on time", don't freak out, don't let the Doc's talk you into induction. Just relax and listen to your body. Nobody has ever stayed pregnant forever! Check out the movie Orgasmic Birth- it's fantastic and very empowering!
OK...I'll leave it at these. These are just my opinions, but I feel they are very justified and most Moms don't know that they have a right to make their own choices! DOCTORS AND NURSES are just PEOPLE, they make mistakes like the rest of us!!!! You are a mother and you know what is best for you and your baby! DOCTORS don't know everything! Their suggestions are not the end-all-be-all!!! Shop around for the right Doc or Midwife! Find someone who will listen to you and respect what you want. Be a "Momma Bear" and protect you and your baby from unnecessary protocols!
5. LEARN, READ, AND MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS!!!! This is the most important. These things are just my opinions. There are millions of other opinions out there, some good, some horrible. Just because your Mom, your Doctor, or your friend tells you something, DOESN'T MEAN IT'S A FACT! Use your critical thinking skills and decide for yourself. Take a childbirth class, even if it's your 1st or 10th baby, there is always something to learn. I took a Hypnobabies course, it was AMAZING! If you are ready to be a Mom, you need to learn about your body and what happens during labor! This is not the time to just "wing it".
When we stray from what is most natural, things get out of balance, so my views may seem "hippie" or "old school", but these things felt the most natural for me and I felt comfortable with my choices because I researched all the alternatives and decided that this was best for ME and MY BABY! Don't be pressured or scared into anything. Just because you are emotional doesn't mean you need to make a rash decision. Be an educated parent. You don't need a degree to do this. Knowledge is empowering.
I could go on and on about pregnancy, labor, and babies. There is so much out there and it is a bit overwhelming. But what ticks me off the most, is when women worry more about trendy maternity clothing and the color of their nursery than about the job they will do in 9 months. It also bothers me when women only listen to their doctors and never question their advice. I know more about labor than a MALE OBGYN after having gone through one pregnancy. That is something a man will never do! Listening to your instincts is what I want to stress. Your motherly instincts will take over, you just need to trust yourself.
This post is not meant to offend!!! Just my humble opinions! Take it for what it's worth. My hat goes off to parents of multiples, single Moms, and those who have children very close in age!!! You are truly amazing and my advice is probably pathetic compared to your knowledge. I have only one kid, but he is pretty amazing. The things I learned were so interesting, that I felt it was important to share this info. I hate when first time Moms are deprived of the advice they need. Good Mommy's are caring, loving, wise and selfless! If you are stubborn, uptight or controlling---beware! These characteristics will make motherhood and marriage tough! Only you can change yourself. It was hard for me to admit that I was far from perfect, but as I have matured, only good things have happened!
It seems like everyone I know is pregnant or has a baby, so these things are always on my mind. It just felt good to get it out!
Motherhood. The most amazing blessing in my life. Being a Mom is the most incredible thing and I am beyond grateful that my Heavenly Father has trusted me to watch over one of his beautiful little souls in this mortal life. I am so blessed.