Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dear Moo,

Dear Mason,
I can't believe you are a year old!!! This year has flown by and has been filled with so much wonderful excitement...all because of you! You are now technically a toddler, even though you have been walking since 7 1/2 months. Your amazing personality is developing more and more each day. I love being your Mommy and getting to learn from YOU day in and day out! I wish we were all like children, instead of rushing kids into adulthood.
You are a big guy. And you are VERY advanced. Crawling at 6 months, walking a month and a half later, 3 words by 10 months, already understanding object permanence and on and on. You continue to make your Daddy and I so proud. We have high hopes for you. As you can see in the picture above, we expect Texas football will play a roll in your athletic future. On your first birthday, you had 8 teeth, were 23 pounds and 29 inches tall. We KNOW you will do great things in all aspects of your life!
You are a boy, through and through. You LOVE to play outside, if I let you, you would live in the backyard! You eat rocks. Chase dogs. Swim in the pool. Dig in the dirt. And your fair skin turns red within 10 minutes of too much sunshine. You are a bully with other kids, but not in a cruel way, rather a physically dominating way (it's pretty funny to watch you handle kids older than you). You love to show affection...with your gorilla grip. You LOVE to eat. He gets "drunk" off the booby milk (it's so adorable). Anything we eat, you eat. You have used "Momma" and "Food" interchangeably.
You are assertive. You love to cuddle. You always want to be up high. You love to read. You love textures. You pat me on the back when I pick you up (melts me, every time!). You are curious and love to solve problems. You LOVE chewing on toothbrushes, you're the Toothbrush Bandit! You make everyone smile with your infectious giggle. You are told constantly told by strangers, how beautiful you are. You love wheels and are always trying to take things apart. You have a nonstop motor and an excellent bubble. Your bare booty is too cute for words.You grunt like a caveman. You do the touchdown dance and bob your head to music. You are a YouTube sensation. You have shown Daddy and I what patience and unconditional love really means.
Thank you for being a wonderful lil' man! We love you bigger than the world!
Mommy (the boob lady)

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