Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dream Job

If you could have any job and get paid a generous income...what would you want to be? What job would you look forward to everyday? Something you actually wanted to wake up for?

I feel so blessed, because I have my dream job. I'm a stay-at-home Mom! With mothers day coming up this weekend, I have thought about how grateful I am to be a mom. I wake up to the most beautiful boys everyday. Each day I am more and more thankful for his sweet spirit in my life. Micah and I are so lucky to have such a wonderful little guy. As he is growing and developing his personality more, it makes my job even more enjoyable (and a little more physically draining as he is extremely mobile and busy).

I love being a Mommy. I am so blessed. I'm grateful I had an amazing mother as an example and that she valued education. Because of her example, I have done my best to educate myself and I feel like I am a much better mom because of it.

Being a mother put my life into perspective and has truly helped me to grow more than I ever imagined. The spoils of this life and the insignificant things I use to worry about are a thing of the past. All I need is family. I am so grateful for such a wonderful family, both the Downes side and the Shipley side.

Moms Rock! I'm so blessed to have my dream job and to know that my job is truly important. The work I do everyday is measured in smiles, hugs, giggles and snuggles...paychecks seem utterly worthless in comparison to those wonderful little gifts! Tell a Mom you love her today, or let her know she is making a positive difference in our future!

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