She was perfect in everyway! And worth the wait :-)
Mom helping me between pushes
The tub was a great relief during the last bit of labor.
The big belly just after my water broke!
In 2009, I had planned to have a home birth with Mason. Things didn't go at all how we planned, and I ended up with an unnecessary c-section. Since his birth, I felt cheated out of the birth I wanted. I felt angry and sad and broken. So, when I found out I was pregnant again, I was determined to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean). After lots and lots of research, I decided doing our birth at home (HBAC) was the best for me and my baby. It was a long, emotional and difficult journey, but it was SO worth the work!
I was about 42+ weeks pregnant and we were all starting to get a little concerned. Mason had been 9 days late, but this was much longer. I felt perfectly healthy, baby was healthy, but those around me were getting anxious about how long this pregnancy was going and the size of the baby since I was a VBAC. Micah and I prayed....a lot....and we both had the strong feeling that all was ok, we just had to be patient.
On Sunday, October 23rd, from about 9pm-2 am I had been having "contractions". I assumed it was false labor because this had been happening about every other night for the past week. Micah was up late typing papers for school. At one am he was finished and said, "Alright, you can go into labor now that I'm done with my homework". Well, around 2 am my water broke! Contractions went from irregular to about 2-3 minutes apart and were getting stronger. I called my amazing midwife and she said to just call back when things got stronger and longer.
Things picked up quickly, and we called her back and said to head over! These pressure waves (what I call contractions- contractions don't hurt, they just feel like intense pressure!) continued and got stronger and stronger, but I was working through them. I wanted to get into the bath tub, but we wanted to wait for the midwife to check me. She got there, and checked me, and I was at a 7!!! I was so happy :-) This gave me the strength and encouragement to keep going! I got in the tub and worked through more pressure waves. I somehow lost track of time and before I knew it the midwife checked me again and I was at a 9 1/2 centimeters!!!
So, I got out of the tub to try and push on the bed. At first, I didn't like this idea, but once we started pushing, it felt good. Pushing was hard. Again, it didn't hurt, it was just very intense pressure and not so much in my vaginal area, but in my booty. I didn't even feel the "ring of fire" that I was so scared of! I pushed for about 1 hour and 45 minutes (average time for first time Moms). I reached down and felt her head! It was amazing. Everyone was encouraging me and the midwife was massaging and stretching me. Somehow, I dug down and had the strength to keep pushing and she finally came out! Her head came out and I pushed again and Micah pulled her out and put her on my chest!
Talk about the most amazing high you could ever feel!!! Throughout the labor I felt every emotion you could imagine. I wanted to quit. I felt weak. Then strong. In the end, I knew this is what I wanted and I wanted to bring my baby girl into the world free of drugs. This birth was so amazing and it made me feel like superwoman! I have a new found respect for myself and all Mom's!
After about an hour of bonding with my beautiful daughter, they checked me. I had a minor tear, which didn't' even need a stitch. Then we weighed and measure our girl...9 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches long! That made me even MORE proud! I don't consider myself a big girl, and I birthed a good size baby, drug free, and no serious tearing!
I know how homebirth and natural birth is not for everyone, and most think it is extreme. But, I felt it to be the most natural and empowering experience! I am a wuss when it comes to being sick or in pain, so if I can do it, anyone can! It just takes serious commitment and preparation!
I love being a Mom more than anything and I'm so grateful that I had a healthy pregnancy and birth and that things worked out the way I had hoped! I am truly blessed!
Congratulations, Kelly. Your little girl is beautiful. What did you name her?