Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Healing HBAC

This was the best moment EVER! A natural high that is worth every bit of the hard work!
She was perfect in everyway! And worth the wait :-)
Mom helping me between pushes
The tub was a great relief during the last bit of labor.
The big belly just after my water broke!

In 2009, I had planned to have a home birth with Mason. Things didn't go at all how we planned, and I ended up with an unnecessary c-section. Since his birth, I felt cheated out of the birth I wanted. I felt angry and sad and broken. So, when I found out I was pregnant again, I was determined to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean). After lots and lots of research, I decided doing our birth at home (HBAC) was the best for me and my baby. It was a long, emotional and difficult journey, but it was SO worth the work!

I was about 42+ weeks pregnant and we were all starting to get a little concerned. Mason had been 9 days late, but this was much longer. I felt perfectly healthy, baby was healthy, but those around me were getting anxious about how long this pregnancy was going and the size of the baby since I was a VBAC. Micah and I prayed....a lot....and we both had the strong feeling that all was ok, we just had to be patient.

On Sunday, October 23rd, from about 9pm-2 am I had been having "contractions". I assumed it was false labor because this had been happening about every other night for the past week. Micah was up late typing papers for school. At one am he was finished and said, "Alright, you can go into labor now that I'm done with my homework". Well, around 2 am my water broke! Contractions went from irregular to about 2-3 minutes apart and were getting stronger. I called my amazing midwife and she said to just call back when things got stronger and longer.

Things picked up quickly, and we called her back and said to head over! These pressure waves (what I call contractions- contractions don't hurt, they just feel like intense pressure!) continued and got stronger and stronger, but I was working through them. I wanted to get into the bath tub, but we wanted to wait for the midwife to check me. She got there, and checked me, and I was at a 7!!! I was so happy :-) This gave me the strength and encouragement to keep going! I got in the tub and worked through more pressure waves. I somehow lost track of time and before I knew it the midwife checked me again and I was at a 9 1/2 centimeters!!!

So, I got out of the tub to try and push on the bed. At first, I didn't like this idea, but once we started pushing, it felt good. Pushing was hard. Again, it didn't hurt, it was just very intense pressure and not so much in my vaginal area, but in my booty. I didn't even feel the "ring of fire" that I was so scared of! I pushed for about 1 hour and 45 minutes (average time for first time Moms). I reached down and felt her head! It was amazing. Everyone was encouraging me and the midwife was massaging and stretching me. Somehow, I dug down and had the strength to keep pushing and she finally came out! Her head came out and I pushed again and Micah pulled her out and put her on my chest!

Talk about the most amazing high you could ever feel!!! Throughout the labor I felt every emotion you could imagine. I wanted to quit. I felt weak. Then strong. In the end, I knew this is what I wanted and I wanted to bring my baby girl into the world free of drugs. This birth was so amazing and it made me feel like superwoman! I have a new found respect for myself and all Mom's!

After about an hour of bonding with my beautiful daughter, they checked me. I had a minor tear, which didn't' even need a stitch. Then we weighed and measure our girl...9 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches long! That made me even MORE proud! I don't consider myself a big girl, and I birthed a good size baby, drug free, and no serious tearing!

I know how homebirth and natural birth is not for everyone, and most think it is extreme. But, I felt it to be the most natural and empowering experience! I am a wuss when it comes to being sick or in pain, so if I can do it, anyone can! It just takes serious commitment and preparation!

I love being a Mom more than anything and I'm so grateful that I had a healthy pregnancy and birth and that things worked out the way I had hoped! I am truly blessed!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Maternity Photo Shoot

I was not sure if I wanted to take maternity photos or not...but I decided to, since the big belly is my favorite part of pregnancy.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

D.I.Y. Headboard

I made my first upholstered headboard for my Mom's new guest room. She picked out the fabric and I did all the work.

Not too bad for a first timer and being 8 months pregnant!

It's got me wanting to do more fun projects....but I may need to focus on having a baby first. Still haven't picked out a name or really bought any clothes. But she has diapers and the house is very clean and organized!! :-)

And just a funny pic of Mason. He apparently likes binkies now and is too cool for chairs. Funny little man!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mason is 2!!!

Mason got a giant stuffed bear for his birthday...it was cool, but he has way more fun with his pig!
Everyday, first thing, Mason wants to play with the Pig. He chases the pig back and forth till the pig gets tired. It's pretty cute.

I can't believe Mason is two! I have a two year old!?!?
He had me relight the candle about 10 times. My little pyro wanted to keep blowing out the candles. It was more fun than actually eating the cake.

ps- Check out that 30 week preggo belly in the back ground! Yikes :-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


We have been busy the last month or two! So...blogging has taken a backseat. BUT, last night we got a beautiful new iMac :-) and the internet has been set up at our new house, so time to play catch up!

*We went to Santa Barbara for 10 days. It was so wonderful to spend time with family and to enjoy beautiful SB. I still haven't seen Paul Walker (he works out at my brother-in-laws gym) but that's ok. It was perfect weather and we ate lots of yummy Trader Joe's food!

*We moved! To a bigger, nicer home in Plano...with a POOL! Hallelujah! Swimming is so much fun while preggo. I feel weightless. It's awesome. And since the weather in Texas has been over 100 for the past month (or so it feels), the pool is a lifesaver! Even if the water is 91 degrees, I love it!

*Micah started with the fire department! He is already driving the fire engine and learning so much. He loves it and is super sexy in his uniform ;-)

*Micah turned 32! We had a little swim party/BBQ for him. It was great to spend a fun day with friends and family

*Mason turns 2 on Sunday! YIKES....where has the time gone??? Mason is our little parrot. He repeats everything we say. He is a sponge and so big! I love him so much, even if he wears me out day after day!

*My parents bought a baby potbelly pig! It is a fun pet! And Mason loves to go play with the little piggy!

*Baby girl is growing perfectly and is healthy and strong! I'm excited for her arrival and for this birth. My midwife is wonderful. I feel great. My belly is huge and I love it :-)

Well, that's the run down. Those were the main highlights. I'm sure I left stuff out, but I will be able to post more now!

*I will add pics to this soon!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A little GIRL?!??!

We just had our ultrasound today. Our active little one was moving and grooving...very busy already!

The tech thinks is it a girl...but we didn't get a very good shot. Our modest little one had her/his legs crossed...then would open the legs and put her/his hand over the spot we needed to see!

It was actually pretty funny :-) Micah really wanted to know the sex and I kind of wanted to be surprised, so this works out.

It could be a girl! Or a boy! We will just wait and see.

Most importantly, baby is healthy and active and modest :-)

I'm in love!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why Vaccines need to be taken more seriously...


Twins Die Minutes after Measles Vaccination

Posted By Dr. Mercola | October 13 2010 | 73,930 view

Nine-month-old twins in Ghaziabad, India reportedly died within minutes of receiving a measles vaccine.

Avika and Anika Sharma were given the vaccinations at a private nursing home by Dr. Satyaveer Singh. Within about 15 minutes, both little girls were dead.

Dr. Singh disappeared shortly after the incident, which is under investigation.

According to Indian MSN News:

"The Indian Medical Association's local president Dr Santosh Aggrawal, who visited the hospital after the incident, confirmed that the health of the twins deteriorated after being administered the vaccine.

"The doctor had a fresh supply of the vaccine. Still there could be something wrong with the batch of vaccines. Similar deaths have been reported from Kanpur and Lucknow," he added."

In related news, Australia is having vaccine problems of its own, as officials recently confirmed that the seasonal flu vaccine, Fluvax, caused convulsions in 99 children. The rate of seizures was 50 times higher than would ordinarily be expected with a vaccine.

*** I know this is in another country, but it doesn't scare me any less. Parents MUST become more educated on what they are injecting into their precious little babies. There are SO many excellent books and ways to selectively vaccinate or post-pone vaccinations till children have more mature immune systems.

Don't follow blindly...do your RESEARCH!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mason Talking & Sign Language


Check out my little guy! He is so cute when he tries to talk!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mason & Locke: Best Buds!

Mason has a new best friend named Locke. He is 3 1/2, while Mason is 21 months. Locke is such a trooper, in that even though Mason still can't say many words, they still have fun and communicate in their own way. Locke got this sweet new ride and the boys had a blast driving up and down the street!
Aren't the lights cool in these pictures?! While Locke was driving, he taught Mason the names of the cop car lights and Mason actually said "blue and red"!!! What a good friend!
They were SO cute! There is a turbo speed button that is down on the floor of the car, in between their seats. Once Mason discovered the turbo speed, he kept reaching down to turn in on...leaving the parents in the dust to chase after the boys :-)
Locke also brought Mason a toy. A mini vacuum! Mason LOVES it! He loves our vacuum, so this is much better. He has been playing with it all weekend. As seen above, the vacuum took priority over the car...for a short time. I love that Mason is making friends and that Locke is such a great buddy for him!

Monday, April 11, 2011

I just love him...

Hey Mom!
Just sitting on the deck, naked, with my ankle weights on, no biggie
I could be a DJ
I have such a kissable face!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Finally found a Midwife!

Yay :-) My search is over. I interviewed an amazing midwife today and I am so excited because she is just perfect.

She was so positive and encouraging and has the same beliefs on birth as me. A match made in heaven. After talking with so many other midwives, I had almost given up hope. Then, Rosemarie came along as an answer to my prayers!

I'm so excited for this birth. I believe in natural childbirth and that women are not "sick", pregnancy is a blessing that doesn't always require a hospital or Doctor. I know most women think I am nuts and that epidurals are heaven sent, but I am not a fan. It's just not for me.

Watch "The Business of Being Born" or "Orgasmic Birth". Two amazing documentaries on birth that ALL women should watch, even if you don't want babies, it is very interesting!

So, I'm a happy Momma today! No more morning sickness, energy is starting to slowly come back and I found a great midwife!

PS- Did you know Giselle Bunchen (aka- worlds highest paid supermodel, married to Tom Brady, yeah, that one) she had her baby in her bathtub in Boston! All natural. I use to not understand what Tom saw in her...now I get it... a supermodel with brains and courage! Love it!

If she can do it, I can do it!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Rabbit Done Died...

That's code for I'm preggo! ( Back before we had the fancy sticks to pee on, they would take womens urine and inject it into a rabbit. If the woman was preggo, the rabbit would die from the HCG hormone in her pee...I'm glad we just pee on sticks now :-)) I'm suprised you didn't know that...:-)

Anyways, I'm only about 10 weeks along, but I feel like crap and I feel so lazy for never blogging. (notice the lack of pictures) Ugh...hopefully just a few more weeks of the awful stuff and then I can get some energy back.

I tell ya, growing a Shipley is HARD WORK!!! But totally worth it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!!

I got a SUPER special gift this year....but nobody will know about it for a few more weeks ;-)

Hope your day is beautiful! Love is in the air!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Yoga Teacher....check!


I've been toying with the idea of being a yoga teacher for the past few years.

I LOVE yoga. I plan my day around classes. So, it seemed to make sense to add "Yoga Teacher" to my resume. I can do it part-time and make some extra money doing something I love!

I will eventually get certified through Sunstone Yoga, but being a full-time Mom is more important right now. Certification wouldn't work into my schedule for awhile.

SO, my friend Elise, the owner of Adrenaline Dance Studio, wanted to start having yoga classes. Guess who she hired....ME!

I'm so excited!!! My first class should be tomorrow morning, but due to the massive amount of snow...we will just wait and see! I will be teaching Tuesday nights 8-9pm and Saturday mornings 9-10am! I will most likely just teach an hour long gentle, vinyasa flow class. Throwing in some challenge poses. I'm so excited. I can't believe I have been blessed with this awesome opportunity!

I just hope I can do a great job! Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Well, this is new?

It finally happened, after 18 months of perfect health, my baby boy got sick last night :-(

Mason was a little fussy during teething (as to be expected) and he had a runny nose once after a trip to California, but other than that...he has been perfectly healthy! Not one trip to the doctor. Seriously.

He just had a mild touch of food poisoning last night, it only lasted from 2am till 7 am and this morning he is back to normal.

This was the first night I haven't gotten a good nights rest since we have brought Mason home from the hospital...I have been very spoiled! It was so hard seeing my little boy sick and feeling helpless. I'm just so grateful he is feeling better now and that he wasn't seriously ill.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow.. In Texas?

Every winter I tell Micah it doesn't snow in Texas, and every winter I am proven a liar. Last year it snowed and this year we had another awesome snow day!
We came home from church and Uncle Josh had made 2 huge snowmen. Mason was frighten and intrigued. It was very humorous.

I am grateful that it doesn't snow often in Texas, because it makes it so much more special when it does happen. Everyone gets crazy and giddy and it is so exciting!

But next year, I won't remind Micah that it "never" snows in Texas :-)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mason...you make my heart smile!

Mason picked out his outfit on Friday. His onsie and his cowboy boots. He was a hit at Ikea!
He looks so big in this picture! Stop growing up so fast !!! :-)
There are no words. Only hysterical laughter.

Mason, you are exploding with personality and I LOVE IT!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Facebook bugs

... just need to vent! and post a funny pic :-)

I can't stand when people post such annoying things on their Facebook pages!!! I so often want to make a comment to correct them, or fix their spelling, or just point out the obvious!!!

BUT...I bite my tongue because I'm grateful that we have freedom of speech and everyone is entitled to their opinion. And I'm just not brave enough to be "that girl".

SO...instead, I will use my blog to make it know that ALL PARENTS SHOULD MAKE THEIR OWN INFORMED DECISION ON CHILD VACCINES!!!!

Don't have blind faith. Don't just listen to your Mom. Don't just trust everything your doctor says. And don't just listen to crazy people with different opinions.

We have SO MUCH information at our finger tips! USE IT! And most of all...USE YOUR MOTHERLY INSTINCTS! They were given to you for a reason.

A great resource for info on vaccinations is The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears. It is unbiased and accurate.

If you want to know my honest opinion about it...just ask

Ahhhh....I feel so much better. Now my head won't explode :-)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I just love the fresh start of a new year!

And I REALLY love that church now starts at 11 o'clock! Mason falls asleep during sacrament meeting and I get to snuggle him and steal kisses. So wonderful.

We are so blessed.

Happy New Year!