Thursday, January 27, 2011

Well, this is new?

It finally happened, after 18 months of perfect health, my baby boy got sick last night :-(

Mason was a little fussy during teething (as to be expected) and he had a runny nose once after a trip to California, but other than that...he has been perfectly healthy! Not one trip to the doctor. Seriously.

He just had a mild touch of food poisoning last night, it only lasted from 2am till 7 am and this morning he is back to normal.

This was the first night I haven't gotten a good nights rest since we have brought Mason home from the hospital...I have been very spoiled! It was so hard seeing my little boy sick and feeling helpless. I'm just so grateful he is feeling better now and that he wasn't seriously ill.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow.. In Texas?

Every winter I tell Micah it doesn't snow in Texas, and every winter I am proven a liar. Last year it snowed and this year we had another awesome snow day!
We came home from church and Uncle Josh had made 2 huge snowmen. Mason was frighten and intrigued. It was very humorous.

I am grateful that it doesn't snow often in Texas, because it makes it so much more special when it does happen. Everyone gets crazy and giddy and it is so exciting!

But next year, I won't remind Micah that it "never" snows in Texas :-)

Monday, January 10, 2011 make my heart smile!

Mason picked out his outfit on Friday. His onsie and his cowboy boots. He was a hit at Ikea!
He looks so big in this picture! Stop growing up so fast !!! :-)
There are no words. Only hysterical laughter.

Mason, you are exploding with personality and I LOVE IT!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Facebook bugs

... just need to vent! and post a funny pic :-)

I can't stand when people post such annoying things on their Facebook pages!!! I so often want to make a comment to correct them, or fix their spelling, or just point out the obvious!!!

BUT...I bite my tongue because I'm grateful that we have freedom of speech and everyone is entitled to their opinion. And I'm just not brave enough to be "that girl".

SO...instead, I will use my blog to make it know that ALL PARENTS SHOULD MAKE THEIR OWN INFORMED DECISION ON CHILD VACCINES!!!!

Don't have blind faith. Don't just listen to your Mom. Don't just trust everything your doctor says. And don't just listen to crazy people with different opinions.

We have SO MUCH information at our finger tips! USE IT! And most of all...USE YOUR MOTHERLY INSTINCTS! They were given to you for a reason.

A great resource for info on vaccinations is The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears. It is unbiased and accurate.

If you want to know my honest opinion about it...just ask

Ahhhh....I feel so much better. Now my head won't explode :-)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I just love the fresh start of a new year!

And I REALLY love that church now starts at 11 o'clock! Mason falls asleep during sacrament meeting and I get to snuggle him and steal kisses. So wonderful.

We are so blessed.

Happy New Year!